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November 16, 2017

Gujarat Secondary And Higher Secondary Education Board Has Issued A Circular Regarding The Re-Examination Of The Students Of Policy 12 Science Stream

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A newspaper is a serial publication containing news about current events, other informative articles about politics, sports, arts, and so on, and advertising. A newspaper is usually, but not exclusively, printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. The journalism organizations that publish newspapers are themselves often metonymically called newspapers.

Newspapers developed in the 17th century, as information sheets for businessmen. By the early 19th century, many cities in Europe, as well as North and South America, published newspapers. As of 2017, most newspapers are now published online as well as in print. The online versions are called online newspapers or news websites.

A wide variety of material is published in newspapers, including opinion columns, weather forecasts, reviews of local services, obituaries, birth notices, crosswords, editorial cartoons, comic strips, and advice columns. Most newspapers are businesses, and they pay their expenses with a mixture of subscription revenue, newsstand sales, and advertising revenue.


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