August 31, 2018

Vidhyasahako na badli na niymo ma ferfar babat

Vidhyasahako na badli na niymo ma ferfar babat

The state government has decided to qualify as a teacher even as it is presently in the qualification for recruitment of teachers in secondary and higher secondary schools. According to the circular of the government, the candidates who are already in IT and computer degree and engineering as a teacher in secondary and higher secondary schools will also be eligible. With this, BSc chemistry, biology also did not qualify candidates from some sub-disciplines, the government has decided to qualify them. According to the circular issued by the state's education department, candidates of BE,.Daily visit our site for latest update..

Before the BSc-MSC with the subject of Chemistry and Biology, formerly BSc-MSC with Industrial Chemistry or other sub-subject did not qualify as a teacher. These subjects have also decided to count them as a teacher by including the government. State Department's education department has announced the detailed circular for this. The government has also the announced to set up a topic related to this topic. In computer science and chemistry, biology students will have to give taut in biology and science
Vidhyasahako na badli na niymo ma ferfar babat

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